Friday, April 23, 2021

A Harvard Psychiatrist Explains Our Social Justice Worriers

-----Original Message-----
From: Abigail Shrier from The Truth Fairy <>
Sent: Fri, Apr 23, 2021 1:03 p.m.

A Harvard Psychiatrist Explains Our Social Justice Worriers

A Harvard Psychiatrist Explains Our Social Justice Worriers


  1. They're all looking to bring down White America--nothing better to do.

    I started watching the Woody Allen series "Crisis in Six Scenes",on Youtube and the first three episodes are both funny--about many subjects Woody finds humorous--and also spot on about radicalism.

    A radical(Miley Cyrus)breaks into poor Woody's house to hide out after blowing up a bank.She's a typical commie and an infuriating character to listen to.She loves the blacks,feels sorry for them,espouses communism,blah blah blah.

    Woody wants her out of his house,"because she's a terrorist--and she ate my leftover chicken."His wife disagrees--in fact the insinuation at the end of the 3rd episode is Cyrus's character is radicalizing Allen's wife.

    I have three more episodes to watch,but it's enjoyable material,on the whole.


  2. jerry pdx
    The globalists have been in control of the media long enough to have brainwashed an entire generation with their diversity ideology via the school system, TV, newsprint and now the internet. We are nothing but numbers to the globalists, they want to convert the world into their vision of a new world order where everybody toils under the umbrella of one world government, one world currency, one world cultural identity, one world ideology. Race, individuality, culture etc... don't exist for them, except perhaps as something to be marketed. "We Are The World" (remember that song? I think that was a key moment), only power and wealth matter. They want to scrub out even the slightest dissent to their diversity agenda, which requires a mass transfer of 3rd world bodies to the 1st world in order to keep population numbers growing (and therefore a growing economy) and a more pliable and profitable population. They fear white people more than any other because there are too many of them intelligent enough to perceive what they are doing, and may resist.
    Of course the many whites that are lackeys to the globalist agenda probably fit the psych profile in this article but they have been raised with globalist propaganda drilled into their heads since birth. Some have the ability to see through the lies, others do not. But understanding all that doesn't mean anything if we don't start working together to resist them.

  3. jerry pdx
    New study, well actually it's from 2018, shows that white people just don't like living near blacks. It has nothing to do with economics or any of the other reasons being thrown around. This article was published by The Root and I think the author is a black man, but I could have told him that whites don't like living around blacks even without all the research.

  4. My wrapup of "Crisis in Six Scenes" follows.

    The last three episodes improved on the first three and brought the lunacy of communism under Woody Allen's microscope--not communism itself,but the reason why people become interested in it:boredom.

    By the fourth episode,Allen's wife(played by Elaine May) has become a full blown commie--thanks to Mao books supplied by radical Lennie Dale(Miley Cyrus),who is on the run from the FBI--and hiding at Allen's home.May's character has passed the literature to all her 70+ year old,book club friends and THEY are all converted and ready to be revolutionaries--anything to escape their boredom.

    "I know how to kill a man with a pickaxe without leaving a mark,"said one grandma Maoist.
    "Jugular vein,"replied another proudly.

    Woody is properly horrified--as only Woody can be.There's a hilarious bit about a couple complaining that May's character(who's a therapist)advised them to spice up their sex life by having the husband pay the wife for sex.Good advice at the start except the wife decides she's a high priced call girl and is now,"stopping cars on the street."

    In its simplicity,Allen may be correct:boredom is probably a large part of why people become commies and why it spreads like wildfire.

    There were a few laughs and for past 75,Allen was still very good.
    ☆☆☆1/2 stars out of 5(I'd like to have seen Diane Keaton play Woody's wife for a ☆☆☆☆☆ star rating.)

