Saturday, March 27, 2021

VIDEO: List of Suspects Committing Anti-Asian Hate Crimes in NYC Contains ZERO White People

By R.C.
Fri, Mar 26, 2021 9:52 p.m.

VIDEO: List of Suspects Committing Anti-Asian Hate Crimes in NYC Contains ZERO White People



  1. ...and that's the truth--so you won't hear it on regular(negro infatuated) TV.


  2. Over the last year at least 25 Chinese store owners have been assaulted, beaten or shot by feral negros in Philadelphia, where are the communist?? Where is cnn ???

  3. Blacks are jealous that Asians create successful businesses in dangerous black areas where blacks are too lazy and stupid to do so. And they see Asians as smaller and weaker--thus being easy targets for criminals.

  4. Disparity of outcome. The horror. The horror.

  5. "Over the last year at least 25 Chinese store owners have been assaulted, beaten or shot by feral negros in Philadelphia, where are the communist?? Where is cnn ???"

    Koreans. Chinese. Arabs. Small shopkeepers. I have a hard time even understanding why they would set up shop in negro areas with all the danger.
