Sunday, February 21, 2021

Read These Irresistible, Online Dating Ads!

[Re: “Another National Racism Crisis: blacks are the Least Desirable on Dating Apps!”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 10:55:00 P.M. EST

Really? Why would THESE ADS not receive interest?
SbP=Single black Parolee
SbA=Single black Absconder

#346345-SBP 32, no job, 8 keeds, smarrt. DWF* wanted.
*Dumb White Female.

#1000765-SbA 27,WF needed for murder fantasy fulfillment. Hemofiliacs (sic) preferred.

#45487765-SbA 24, in search of cozy, rent free crib til the heat’s off. Only 300 lb WF respond.

#69696969-SbP 35, just released from the big house cuz I cut up my ho GF. Wasn’t my fault—White bit*h made me mad. Will answer all fine WFs--except my P.O.

#2456750-SbMM* 42, for very short term relationship—5 minutes should be enough time. Scarves and turtlenecks are a turn off.
*Single black Mass Murderer.

#9998875-SbA 25, I’m covered with tattoos and scars from bulletholes—otherwise, average. WF with quick accelerating car needed to drive me to and from various local banks—especially FROM.

(All blacks on this dating site are assumed to be drug dealers, armed and dangerous.)



  1. jerry pdx
    I read somewhere that black women have the lowest number of responses from personal ads. However, there are factors they aren't mentioning. In the world of personal ads the group that gets the most responses are young, childless, HWP females. It doesn't matter what race they are, if they fit into those parameters they get barraged with responses from men. Part of the problem is that the number of women in that category is fairly low, the supply of young attractive childless women is limited and reality is they don't need to take out a personal ad to meet someone, there are always men around who want to be with them. IMHO, that demographic issue is even worse with black women, childless black women are even more limited in supply than white women. How often do you meet one that hasn't cranked out a couple of kids by the time they are 16? Statistically, black girls are much more likely get pregnant at a young age than white females. Then you have the high rates of obesity with black women, and being fat guarantees a low number of responses from personal ads. I guarantee that if a black woman is young, HWP, attractive and childless, she will be buried with responses from interested men of all races, as many responses as a white women with similar qualities.
    So it's not "racist" that black women aren't getting as many responses as other groups, it's their own negative behaviors and life habits that are the problem. But as usual, self destructive black behaviors are being characterized as "racist" and whites are supposed to feel guilty.

  2. I saw another article which found that the women most sought after on dating sites were Asian women--black women were the least popular. The men most sought after were White men. This corresponds with Steve Sailers claim that Asian women are perceived to be the most feminine while black women were thought to be the least feminine. On the other hand, White men were thought to be more masculine than Asian men. However black men were thought to be the most masculine--which explains why so many white women are sexually attracted to them--regardless of, or maybe because of, the danger. Some women are excited by danger. Asian women, however, want a reliable man who treats them right, so will often choose White men, but rarely risk a black one. Personally, as a White man, I like intelligent, feminine women and find Asian women often extremely attractive, but rarely find black women attractive unless they are only part black--otherwise they look coarse and crude--and rarely intelligent.
