Monday, February 22, 2021

A Tocqueville for Our Time: Why Establishment Conservatives Still Miss the Point of Trump

By An Old Friend
Mon, Feb 22, 2021 2:10 a.m.

A Tocqueville for Our Time [LONG]

AOF: What's below is from a French writer who loves America.  I particularly like the section "Patriotism is Not an Idea" which could as well have been titled "America is Not Just an Idea" -- it's a cogent response to the all-too-prevalent brainfart that "America is basically an idea."

Why Establishment Conservatives Still Miss the Point of Trump

February 13, 2021

About Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry is a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. His writing has appeared in numerous publications. He is based in Paris.


  1. I disagree that legal immigration is better than illegal immigration. Legal immigrants can become citizens--and when they do, the majority will vote for stealing our freedom to replace it with socialism and government control. Chinese and Indians--the current favorite of the Tech Tyrants--vote well over 70% for leftists.
    And Indians aren't traditional immigrants--people who long to, and are proud to, become Americans. Instead as they rise in their jobs which Americans should have had, prefer to hire other Indians. They socialize only with other Indians--they are big on Indian parties. And they will openly proclaim that their Indian culture is superior to American culture. And look at the current crop of atrocious Indian politicians--Jayapal, Sawant, etc.
    As for Trump's ideas--they are fine--he just didn't go far enough. And, unfortunately he was too agreeable and a very poor judge of character--hence the swamp rats he frequently picked who betrayed him. And that includes the swamp scum he picked for the Supreme Court who refuse to do anything about the stolen election.

  2. "they need to recognize the reasons why Trump became a political phenomenon in the first place."

    This is correct. From my perspective the phenomenon of Don was due to decades of poor governance. Kick the can down the road politics without substantial solution to problems as understood by the electorate.

    Don was seen as a viable alternative to the poor governance.
