Thursday, December 31, 2020

Summary of the 2020 Riot Season

By "W"
Thu, Dec 31, 2020 2:28 p.m.

Summary of the 2020 Riot Season

This is my first visit to the Organic Prepper, which sounds like a veggie cafe. In any event, here is a useful collection of video highlights from the 2020 riot season:

Have a great New Year! And don't forget to wash your hands, wear a Chinabug mask, and don't get within 6 feet of anyone else ("they" have never clarified if that should also include pets).

--Dr. "W"



  1. Sports of all kinds have off seasons,the favorite sport of blacks--rioting--goes year around.The spectators are the police and the media--who also watch the cops to make sure they don't apply the law to blackie thugs.
    THE 2020 riot season is just about over--the 2021 season, ready to begin in Minneapolis I hear.

  2. Btw,Happy New Year to all.I posted "Andy Rooney,on Making New Year's Resolutions" on December 24th under "Midwest Newspaper..."which is more relevant reading today,I suppose.
    It'll be a happy new year until the 20th--then buckle up fellow Patriots--"a long dark winter is headed our way"--that,according to Biden,except the winter will be 4 years long--minimum.

    Take care,everyone.

  3. More importantly we must also remember the martyrs for the negro cause. A negro passing bad money gave himself a drug overdose. Another negro kidnapping children he had no custody over while stealing the car of a woman. One more negro who resisted arrest and tried to use a stolen taser on a cop. And a negress paramedic in deep with drug dealers. They sure know how to pick their martyrs.
