Sunday, December 27, 2020

Suicide Bombing Suspected in Nashville Explosion, as Investigators Search Home South of the City

Sat, Dec 26, 2020 8:37 p.m.

Suicide Bombing Suspected in Nashville Explosion, as Investigators Search Home South of the City

So, the decedent was Arkancided?

How convenient.

Like the assassination of the University of Pittsburgh computer scientist.  

His assailant was a cipher; there is nothing online about the assailant.

Will the decedent have a "manifesto" written in crayon for the whole world to see?

This fits the MO of an alphabet agency.

By the way, folks who work for CIA are remarkably stupid.

I know this because I had a borrower a few years ago who worked for the CIA.  He lived in Alexandria, Virginia.  When I asked him what he did for a living he replied, "I am a 'researcher' for the government."

I am a native of Washington, D.C.  My former brother-in-law is a retired research scientist for the FDA and USDA.  So, when my borrower said that he was a " researcher" I immediately thought CIA.   After all, why be evasive about what you do for a living?  

Yep, sure enough, he did work for the CIA.  He sent me his pay stubs.   The name of his employer had been redacted.  I simply took the P.O. Box listed on the check and dropped it into a search engine.  The name of his employer came back: The address belonged to "CIA Office of Employment" or some other mundane thing.


    GRA:Someone didn't like the bowling shoes they got for Christmas.

    ROCKFORD, Ill. (AP) — A gunman opened fire inside an Illinois bowling alley, killing three people and injuring three others Saturday night in what authorities believe was a random attack.

    A “person of interest” was taken into custody after the shooting at Don Carter Lanes, Rockford Police Chief Dan O’Shea said during a news conference. He said two of those who were shot were teenagers.

    O’Shea did not immediately release additional information about the victims or the person who was taken into custody. He described the scene as contained and said he did not think any officers fired their weapons while apprehending the person of interest.

    Rockford is about 80 miles (130 kilometers) northwest of Chicago.

    The Rockford Register Star reported that 2020 has been the city’s deadliest year for homicides, according to records that date back to 1965. Thirty-five people have been killed in the city this year, breaking the previous record of 31 in 1996.

    GRA:Sounds about like Grand Rapids,though we have them beat by 2 murders.Mass murder at a bowling alley--where next--Westminster Kennel Club?


    Bluntly pointing out Anthony Quinn Warner's race immediately,Margaret Brennan opened up her commie-fest show as one would expect--describing Warner as what he is--White--and I'm fine with that,if also lists all the names and races of the murders there were perpetrated in our country,from coast to coast--the last 72 hours,week,month and year.

    A lot of hysteria--and the only person Warner killed--was himself.


  3. The "Commie Nation" also highlighted books of the year--3 of the 4,obviously liberal tomes.Brennan slobbered over a black writer named Isabel Wilkerson,who compared today's Whites to Nazis,repeated the lies about George Floyd's unintentional drug suicide being murder,while White author,Jon Meacham promoted his John Lewis tribute ad nauseum.

    Watching this and you wonder why only ONE White guy in Nashville(and not millions everywhere) decided to lash out at the direction our country is headed.If it turns out Anthony Quinn Warner just didn't like the amount of his phone bill,I'll stand corrected of my assumption that this was a far bigger statement of protest--and a feeling of having your back to the wall if you're White--in a White founded country.

    Four years,24 days to go before a MAGA party candidate retakes the White House(probably not Trump though).I'm trying to be somewhat optimistic.


  4. NPR(commie faction)review of Wilkerson's book and why the narrative is wrong.

    "The former New York Times Chicago bureau chief does not disappoint. Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents is a masterwork of writing — a profound achievement of scholarship and research that stands also as a triumph of both visceral storytelling and cogent analysis.
    (GRA:I'm not sure who the reviewer is,but they must be blm/antifa sympathizers,one would assume.)

    What is caste? According to Wilkerson, "caste is the granting or withholding of respect, status, honor, attention, privileges, resources, benefit of the doubt, and human kindness to someone on the basis of their perceived rank or standing in the hierarchy." Racism and casteism do overlap, she writes, noting that "what some people call racism could be seen as merely one manifestation of the degree to which we have internalized the larger American caste system."

    Wilkerson's central thesis is that caste, while a global occurrence, achieves its most violent manifestation in the treatment of American blacks, set at the lowest level in society through historical and contemporary oppression, marginalization and violence — all legally maintained through systems of law and order.
    (GRA:THERE'S the rub--THAT'S what blacks oppose--those three words:"law and order".The "caste system" is nothing more than society arranging,by intelligence and contributory aspects,an order for the planet's denizens.)

    "The English in North America developed the most rigid and exclusionist from of race ideology," Wilkerson writes, quoting the anthropologists Audrey and Brian Smedley.

    Wilkerson establishes a correlation between American blacks, whom she names the "American untouchables" and the Indian "untouchables," or Dalits, as the lowest caste; while whites in America are the dominant, highest caste equivalent to the Indian Brahmins(tell that to Whites I see stuck in the ghetto or trailer parks.)

    (GRA:I don't know which blacks she's talking about--these supposed untouchables.Whites are currently being treated exceedingly worse than blacks--Wilkerson herself is an example of that preferential treatment.She receives permission to write and talk freely about her viewpoint,while Whites--like Meacham--must write biographies about blacks to attract attention from the press.Would Nicholas Stix be allowed on "Face the Nation" with opposing viewpoints?)

    There are more blacks than Whites on my TV set,there are more black mayors and police chiefs than there should be.There was a black president(Obama) for 8 years and there'll be another in short order(Harris).

    Crying racism when there is none,makes Isabel Wilkerson an official member of the lying media--and lying,is what that group of lowlifes is best at.

    The MEDIA should be the real "Untouchables".


  5. The reviewer turned out to be a black named Hope Wabuke--'nuff said.
