Saturday, December 19, 2020

National Geographic, R.I.P.: Magazine Now Features black Criminal George Floyd on Cover


By A Texas Reader
Sat, Dec 19, 2020 8:17 p.m.

George Floyd Featured on Cover of National Geographic

The cover photo shows Floyd's face with the words "blm" projected onto a monument of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. -


National Geographic 1964 - 1987 Full Theme and Homage to Aaron Copland by Elmer Bernstein and Montage HD



July 11, 2009 The Critical Critic

I’d call this, “Ode to Copland in Four Movements.”

Note that it has the structure of a fanfare (allusion to “Fanfare for the Common Man”) and, at 0:32, it hits its musical climax, in an allusion to the musical climax that comes early in the first movement of Appalachian Spring, in what my mom calls Copland’s “wild sweetness.”

[Postscript, 2020: The time stamp referred to a version that has since been killed off by the Kopyright Kops.]

If there’s a more brilliant, ambitious, and at the same time, touching—since the whole thing is an homage to Copland—TV theme, I hope someone will tell me.

5 years ago

As someone who grew up poor in the late 80, early 90. All we had was network tv. When you heard this theme song, you knew what time of day it was. It was time to learn some stuff o'clock. Thank you National Geographic for teaching me about the Ganges rivier, lip plates, and how vaccinations work. You are a treasure!



  1. Jane Goodall too?
    "And they said it couldn't be done.We took them from Africa and placed them in our biggest cities and instead of sitting in trees and eating bananas,our transplanted apes sat on porches and took fentanyl.

  2. National Geographic has been "redefining" history for decades now. This is no surprise.

    I stopped watching the "NatGeo" channel years ago for this very reason...

  3. Everybody go to the link and see the cover for themselves. Discontinue your subscription to the Geographic instantly.
