Monday, December 28, 2020

Knuckleballing Hall-of-Famer Phil Niekro Died over the Weekend

By "W"
Mon, Dec 28, 2020 1:41 p.m.

Knuckleballer Phil Niekro Died over the Weekend



  1. Joe and Phil. Two great pitchers. Gaylord Perry of the same generation also great. Whitey Ford gone recently too.

  2. Used to love watching the knuckleballers--Wilbur Wood from the White Sox was my favorite.Before my time a little,but I believe the Sox had Hoyt Wilhelm,Eddie Fisher and Wood--three knuckleballers-- on the roster at the same time.

    Wood was a reliever,who became an all star starter,pitching on 2 days rest.

    You thought--as a kid--that YOU could master the pitch and be in the major leagues too.It looked that easy.

    Phil Niekro was the best of them all(the knucklers).Talent and a long career.
