Monday, December 28, 2020

Dallas: Man, 18, Shot Dead on His Porch

By A Texas Reader
Mon, Dec 28, 2020 9:21 a.m.

An 18-year-old man died after he was shot Sunday night in Dallas, police said. The shooting happened around 8 p.m., according to police. Davis Trujillo was on his front porch on the 1200 block of North Street at the time.

ATR: Porch dweller?


  1. jerry pdx
    Another Hollywood hypocrite caught in the act! Hilaria, or Hillary or is it "Hilarious" Baldwin? Wife of noted bad Trump impersonator and hothead Alec Baldwin, "claimed" she was born and raised in Spain but she was actually born and raised right here in the US! Something to be ashamed of to be sure, at least in the mind of certain white guilt masochistic types:

    Now she is facing accusation of "cultural appropriation" and playing dumb with comments like this:

    Hilaria reasoned, "Yes, I am a White girl, my family is White … Europe has a lot of White people in them. Ethnically I am a mix of many, many things."

    "I’m getting attacked for being who I am…people wanting to label me Spanish or America, can’t it be both? It’s frustrating that is my story," she concluded.

    She grudgingly acknowledges her "whiteness", not that we couldn't have figured that out looking at her, then disingenuously ignores the fact that it was her lie about being born in Spain that got her in trouble, not that she might personally want to adopt Spanish culture for herself. She also slips something in about being a mix of "ethnic" types but is that the lib thing of mixing ethnicity, nationality & race? As if they are all the same thing? No lady, there are 3 races, white, black or Asian, you're either one of 3 or a mix. Having another "white" ethnicity, doesn't make you any less white and therefore lessen your guilt.

    Her hubby, Alec, jumps to her defense, as you would expect but he is a piece of work himself, I put him about the same level as the likes of De Niro or Alyssa Milano, his bad Trump impersonation were always mean spirited, unfunny and dishonest.

    But I do love seeing these Trump hating "socially progressive" hypocrites get caught in the cancel culture Escher loop they've worked so hard to create.

  2. Taco transient.

    If you look at other stories on the website,there were additional murders by the minorities on or around Christmas.
    A 23 year old Mex,shot in his car.A 35 year old black at a 7-11.

    So all I can say is:

    Merry Asesinato to all the Mex(murder in Spanish)
    And to the blacks--Merry Mauaji(murder in Swahili)

    Keep 'em coming--and at a faster pace in the New Year.


  3. NY Post tells Trump to give up. Does this mean the Post is part of the Deep State?

  4. But dumb bitc*es like her,Jerry,never GET IT.They're beyond help--as is Alec Baldwin.

