Thursday, November 19, 2020

What I Sent to a "woke" Company in Which I Hold Some Stock

By An Old Friend
Wed, Nov 18, 2020 11:46 p.m.

What I Sent to a "woke" Company in Which I Hold Some Stock

AOF: It's the Canadian energy-industry company Enbridge, and I wrote to the VP of Investor Relations:To: <>

Subject: About Enbridge's "ESG & Sustainability"

Hello, Mr. Morgan.

I'm a modest investor in Enbridge.  Just now I was exploring the Enbridge website to see if the organization classifies itself as a corporation or a partnership.  (Given the term "dividends" used for the quarterly cash distributions, I'm guessing corporation.)

While at the site, I noticed the "ESG & Sustainability" presentation I've linked above.  Leafing through it, I was dismayed to find page 31, titled "2021 Equity & Inclusion Action Plan." 

Why dismayed?  Because even big, powerful corporations are now prostrating themselves before the self-appointed gurus of "diversity" and all the associated manias.

Why this obsession with "diversity"?  It was accidental, going back to a 1978 U.S. Supreme Court case on affirmative action at the University of California.  The court ruled that the university mustn't use racial quotas in admissions, but Justice Lewis Powell also hedged that "creating a diverse classroom environment is a compelling state interest."  Soon thereafter, "diversity" became the mantra opportunistically invoked by academic administrators countrywide in order to do quotas without quotas.  And now the academic contagion has broken out into the larger society, with Enbridge being an unfortunate example.

Nowadays, we hear nonstop that "diversity is our strength," but if that were true, people would seek it out; we wouldn't need to be ceaselessly browbeaten.  Indeed, the idea that there's some intrinsic benefit in racial and ethnic diversity is belied by common experience.  And in 2006, Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam demonstrated definitively (albeit reluctantly) what everyone already knew intuitively—the more diverse a community, the lower the trust between ethnic groups (and even within groups) and the less civic engagement: People withdraw and "hunker down like a turtle."

In 2016, Hoover Institution economist Thomas Sowell (who is black) wrote, "Is diversity our strength? Or anybody's strength, anywhere in the world? Does Japan's homogeneous population cause the Japanese to suffer? Have the Balkans been blessed by their heterogeneity -- or does the very word 'Balkanization' remind us of centuries of strife, bloodshed and unspeakable atrocities, extending into our own times?"  So mused the individual whom playwright David Mamet calls "our greatest contemporary philosopher."

The management at Enbridge should show some stones and shut down this travesty of wokeness.  Running a business is hard enough without subjecting employees to the walking-on-eggs regimen that inevitably results when an organization blunders into this swamp.


[Deleted by N.S.]

1 comment:

  1. Well said.Did you receive a response--or were you ignored like I was,by a Rodney McMullen--CEO of Kroger.McMullen,in his Google description,"takes great pride in communicating with customers by email."

    No response to my statement,opposing his pro-blm stance.
    My email back in July:

    "Your stance supporting BLM gives me no choice but to boycott your stores.Rights are being removed from Whites--not Whites as rich as you--but from me and those in my income bracket,by programs like the one you've announced.Jobs cannot be given--they must be earned through accomplishments,education and life without crime.Your support of criminals tells me you aren't cognizant of those facts.You would not be a CEO if you did what the BLM thugs do on an everyday basis--destroy their neighborhoods and cities.You don't live in the areas to see the truth,but only listen to advisors and SJWs who threaten corporations to get their way.What would you do without White people's money at your stores?
    I hope you find out.
    There will be no more of mine sir--and I hope millions of others-- do the same."

    Deleted,I assume.
