Monday, November 23, 2020

"We Would Love to See Any Evidence of Fraud - Nothing They are Saying is True" - Dominion Voting Systems' Hired Spokesman and Jeb Bush Lackey Denies Fraud Claims (VIDEO)

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Nov 22, 2020 3:13 p.m.

"We Would Love to See Any Evidence of Fraud - Nothing They are Saying is True" - Dominion Voting Systems' Hired Spokesman and Jeb Bush Lackey Refutes [sic] Fraud Claims (VIDEO)

[N.S.: To "refute" something is to prove it false. The flack, Michael Steel, has disproven nothing. By the way, this Steel is not to be confused wih Michael Steele, the affirmative action, black, former Maryland lieutenant governor who is also the former RNC chairman.]

ATR: How to spot the Deep State.

How many degrees removed are the elites from one another?

The nexus is the C.I.A.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018 9:26 P.M.

US Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison didn’t miss an opportunity to fire a warning shot in the direction of Russia when accusing it of building new nuclear missiles that would allegedly be pointed at Europe. Should such missiles be completed, she sai

‘We’d take out Russia’s nukes,’ US NATO envoy says ...

The US would look into ways of "taking out" new Russian missiles if they become operational, the US envoy to NATO said, accusing Moscow of developing a weapon that “violates” the Soviet-US nuclear arms treaty.

The Deep State strikes again.

Former Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison just joined the advisory board of Fleishman-Hillard.

Hutchison gutted the border fence.

She was also part of the farce known as the Merida Initiative.

And Fleishman-Hillard? It was the firm that hosted the Texas A&M "diversity" website when Robert Gates was president of A&M. I discovered this when I did a search on the website's hosting service. Gates later became head of the C.I.A. Gates is now head of the pederast organization known as the Boy Scouts of America.

Fleishman-Hillard also bought Rob Allyn's old firm.

Rob Allyn got Vicente Fox elected.

Allyn is a crony of George Bush.

Allyn used to sit on the board of Ace Cash Express. Ace's primary source of revenue is derived from remittances sent back by illegal aliens to their tribal homelands. All of the remittances come about due to the illicit activities of those who are in this country illegally.

Allyn is also a crony of Juan Hernandez. Hernandez's allegiances lie with Mexico.

So, how and why would Kay Bailey Hutchison end up on the advisory board of Fleishman-Hillard, a globalist PR firm that is now owned by a firm with the sinister sounding name of Omnicom It could not have happened by accident. After all there are thousands of PR firms in the U.S., a number of which are located closer to Kay's home here in Dallas.

Look at those who sit on Fleishman-Hillards' advisory board. One member is General (retired) Barry McCaffrey, former head of the "war" on drugs. Another member is Leon Panetta. Panetta said that the Pentagon takes its orders from the UN.

Panetta used to be head of the C.I.A. Mexican government officials have alleged that the C.I.A. is behind the illicit drug trade.

Am I the only one who finds it odd that Fleishman-Hillard, with multiple links to both the C.I.A. and the illicit drug trade, would go out of its way to recruit Kay Bailey Hutchison, an open borders fanatic?

Secret societies running this country?


It's all out in the open.

Just learn how to connect the dots.



  1. They're all getting in position aren't they?

  2. These hackers are so sophisticated they can conceal their activities after the fact and leave no trace. Or if a trace left behind meant to deceive you.
