Saturday, November 14, 2020

Tucker Carlson, Blink If You’ve been Kidnapped! Fox News Suits are Not Permitting Carlson to Cover the Theft of the Election/Country; Instead, They Have him Singing Hosannas to How “Nice” Americans are

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

“If you get lost, people will help you.”

Not where I live!

I believe that Tucker Carlson is the prisoner of Lachlan Murdoch, Rupert’s liberal son, who has been in charge at Fox News for a few years now. That’s why the network paid millions without a fight, to every Me-Too shakedown artist to come down the pike.  



  1. We won, you lost. GET OVER IT!!!!!!

  2. What made America beautiful--not in terms of scenery,but in terms of identity,was the fact that it was White people who lived,worked and played here almost exclusively.Fifty to seventy years ago,when anyone in the world--be it Russian,Chinese or Middle Eastern--would talk about the United States,they had a picture of the people they were referring to--and they were White.THAT was the United States of the first 200 years or so.

    Since then,while China,Russia and the Mideast have stayed pure to their culture and people,we have not.The Mex invaders of the 80s(and their kids),along with black population increases over decades,have destroyed us from within.

    Those two minority groups are not Americans,just as Whites going to Africa to live,would never be Africans--no matter how many generations live there.Therefore,when the core population of the people who started the United States are replaced by other ethnicities,you don't still have "America"--you have sh*t.It isn't an improvement or "a fulfillment of what America was meant to be"--as Pelosi says--"a harbor for immigrants from all over the world".

    No,the initial concept was White Europeans joining together--with similar goals and the ability to reach those goals through ingenuity and hard work.The minorities,taking over this country now,lack both of those qualities--and because those traits are missing--they can never be called "Americans".

    Just as important is the fact,that blacks and Mex were not essential players when we originated in 1776--there is not one non-White on the Declaration of Independence.Nothing,the minority groups say or do,can change that reality.

    Their ultimate,misguided goal is creating a NEW,weakened country--"a more imperfect union"--assisted by communists and anarchists,which eventually,will be taken over by foreigners(which they may,or may not,realize at the moment.)

    And that will be that--another page of history turned.
    America,we hardly knew ye.


  3. I know a lot of people like Tucker Carlson. I don't watch television and hadn't seen his internet pieces much. But I watched him talking about election fraud and it was a real weak-kneed piece. I was not impressed. I think this is just another guy working on a career--like Ann Coulter whose mind blows in the wind. Remember when she loved Chris Cristi, then Mitt Romney (retch!) then Trump, then hated Trump. These people are just career people--not people with real courage and conviction.

  4. Amazing how we were able to put on a secure election in Iraq a decade back with the "purple finger" thing, etc. But here? They deliberately ran it the most insecure way possible.
