Sunday, November 29, 2020

Smells Like a Race Hoax: After An Arkansas Man Displayed a black Santa Claus on His Property, He "Received" a "Racist" Letter Calling Him "the laughing stock of the neighborhood"

By A Texas Reader
Sat, Nov 28, 2020 12:28 p.m.

An Arkansas Man Received a Racist Letter Calling Him "the laughing stock of the neighborhood" for Displaying a black Santa Claus on His Property

ATR: Smells like a staged event.

Now if it had been Kamala Harris as the Grinch….



  1. black Santa's mom was a ho,ho,ho-who couldn't say no,no,no.

  2. Remember those black lawn jockeys? Some had their faces painted white, but what happened to the rest of them? Maybe someone could market a kit to convert those lawn jockeys stored in garages and cellars to be Kommie Kamela lawn ho's. And those garden elves could be converted to lawn Faucis.

  3. Black Santa just don't bring the presents. Black Santa comes and takes the presents.
