Monday, November 16, 2020

Mayor, Police Chief Respond to an Even More Violent Week than Usual in Dallas

By A Texas Reader
Mon, Nov 16, 2020 10:32 p.m.

Mayor, Police Chief Respond to Violent Week in Dallas

ATR: Chief Wiggins (a/k/a Renee Hall) is an alumna of the academic powerhouse known as Grambling.

She puts the “I” in imbecile.



  1. Nig mayor and P.C.--there's your answer.I see my new "Propaganda Word of the Day" that p*sses me off--"spike"--makes an appearance.

    It IS NOT a spike--you lying bastards(media,mayor and P.C.)
    This is a trend adjustment UP to permanent numbers of elevation.By describing this increase in violence as a "spike",they are trying to paint a distorted picture that the trend will reverse down--but they know better.It's local media's favorite word here to describe our transition to niggerdom.There's also a " spike"in biased,poor reporting too--but the media won't say that,lol.

    The more nigs you have in your city,the more these crimes occur.And blacks love moving to cities where blacks run the government.Dallas is still majority White I think,how do these sh*t for brains blacks get elected?
    No Whites ran,is my first guess.If they didn't--why not?If they did,why was a black elected?
    The population is just handing our cities over to negroes who really don't have an interest in stopping their own from destroying where they live.
    If your city votes black,you'd better start to pack.

  2. Negress police chiefs seem to be obligatory for all departments nationwide now. A MUST.
