Monday, November 16, 2020

Is Bird-Watching Racist?

By "W"
Mon, Nov 16, 2020 1:19 p.m.

Is Bird-Watching Racist?

Apparently so, according to the "woke" folks. Don't tell the SPLC that I've been watching birds for decades and have a nice collection of wild bird photographs that I have bought from professional photographers over the years. I can't confirm that Hitler was a bird-watcher. But he certainly should have had nice views from his mountain retreat. Now that we are into mid-November, big birds of prey have returned to the DC area. I watch hawks, black birds, and vultures slowly circling overhead.

N.S.: Bird-watching is perfectly fine, if you're a racist black homosexual, who uses it as cover for terrorizing White women.



  1. No bird watching is not and never has been racist. Who stopped a black person from going and looking at birds ever? No one. After applying the I'm oppressed black because of slavery formula, they'll demand grants and money from the Audubon society to become bird watchers. To teach bird watching in school and form bird watching clubs for the chiren and they have to buy very very expensive binoculars, gear and clothing but that money will be robbed and wind up in the hands of the local drug dealers, gun sellers, loan sharks, pimps, hair braiders , pit bull breeders and other ghetto jobs.

    Blacks have no interest in community gardening until the local politicians give million dollar grants for growing vegetables. They have zero interest in anything that has to do with ecology or the environment until they can scam government money.

  2. You ever notice how blacks always want to cause problems for whites. they are extremely petty and will do anything to be assholes.

  3. Is lying legal?
    Today's MSM/Biden joint effort to get Trump to concede,was by pushing the narrative that Biden reprehensibly offered this afternoon:"By delaying the transition,President Trump will cause more people to die of coronavirus."

    The media amplified it tenfold:"If Trump doesn't concede,thousands more will needlessly die because the vaccine will not be delivered as quickly-without a proper,timely transition."
    REPEAT ten times per report.
    But guess what?Whoever dies of ANYTHING in the next 6 months,will not be from Trump fighting to keep the fraudulent commies from slithering into office--that's just more lying propaganda.--though admittedly a great pressure tactic.They ARE pure evil politicians and the media are joined with them at the hip.
    As a side note:Interesting that the "successful" vaccine results came out AFTER the election--I wonder who the drug companies wanted in.

  4. jerry pdx
    When I read the article it wasn't bird watching in itself they were suggesting was racist but that they felt the organization was resisting "diversity training" and not inclusive enough as an organization, there were also claims by women of color that they were talked down to and demeaned by members or the Audubon society, of course as we know, that likely means whites just weren't bowing down before them and refusing to put up with their attitude, which gives me some respect for the people within the organization. There is also some controversy about their namesake John James Audubon having owned slaves and the organization has publicly condemned him for doing so, which takes away some of the respect for them.

  5. I am a birder too. Blacks don't bird. You have to go into the forest to bird. Blacks are afraid of forests. There be'ez trees and trees remind blacks of how they used to be lynched.
