Monday, November 23, 2020

"I’m A Little Jealous": Sarah Sanders Reacts to "Astonishing’ Difference in Press Treatment of Biden"

-----Original Message-----
From: Daily Caller <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 23, 2020 5:12 a.m.

"I'm A Little Jealous": Sarah Sanders Reacts to "Astonishing' Difference in Press Treatment of Biden"

'Yeah, I don't think anybody's surprised.'
 Daily Caller
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23 NOVEMBER 2020View in Browser
'I'm A Little Jealous': Sarah Sanders Reacts To 'Astonishing' Difference In Press Treatment Of Biden
'I'm A Little Jealous': Sarah Sanders Reacts To 'Astonishing' Difference In Press Treatment Of Biden
'Yeah, I don't think anybody's surprised.'
Biden Spokesperson Kate Bedingfield: Biden 'Does Not Have Any Concern' Over Trump Campaign Lawsuits
Biden Spokesperson Kate Bedingfield: Biden 'Does Not Have Any Concern' Over Trump Campaign Lawsuits
'these lawsuits from the Trump campaign and their allies have been laughed out of court'
GOP Governor To Trump: 'Stop Golfing And Concede'
GOP Governor To Trump: 'Stop Golfing And Concede'
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and Trump traded blows on Twitter Sunday
'There Is No Trumpism': John Bolton Says Trump Has No Philosophy, Then Admits He Expanded The Republican Party
'There Is No Trumpism': John Bolton Says Trump Has No Philosophy, Then Admits He Expanded The Republican Party
'Disaffected with the Democrats, working class people, blue collar workers'



Chris Christie Calls Trump Legal Team A 'National Embarrassment'
Chris Christie Calls Trump Legal Team A 'National Embarrassment'
'This is outrageous conduct by any lawyer'
Cedric Richmond Attributes GOP Congressional Wins To Trump 'Increasing Republican Turnout'
Cedric Richmond Attributes GOP Congressional Wins To Trump 'Increasing Republican Turnout'
'A big deal'
'I'm Not Seeing The Indictments': Devin Nunes Urges Appointment Of Special Counsel To Conclude Durham Investigation
'I'm Not Seeing The Indictments': Devin Nunes Urges Appointment Of Special Counsel To Conclude Durham Investigation
'Attorney General Barr Should Be The One To Appoint This'
Loeffler Self-Isolating After Positive COVID-19 Test
Loeffler Self-Isolating After Positive COVID-19 Test
'those results came back inconclusive'
Trump Pulls Out Of Military Transparency Treaty With Russia, Europe
Trump Pulls Out Of Military Transparency Treaty With Russia, Europe
'Fueled distrust and threats'
Dr. Fauci Warns US Could See 'Exponential Increase' In Coronavirus Cases Leading Into Christmas
Dr. Fauci Warns US Could See 'Exponential Increase' In Coronavirus Cases Leading Into Christmas
'We don't know what is gonna happen'

N.S.: But it'll all miraculously end, after Biden's inauguration.

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  1. IF Biden has any press conferences,the rules will be as follows:
    1) Only those reporters holding gifts will be selected to ask a question.These gifts may be as small as a debit card for $1000,up to new smartphones or receipts(and titles)for new automobiles purchased with the Biden name on them.

    2) Once chosen,the reporter will drop the gift into a large container the press secretary will hold;the question will then be asked of President Biden.

    3) The President has the right to refuse to answer the question asked,answer another question he thought he heard,or give a non-sequitor that is meaningless except to the President(Biden) himself.

    Once the value of the gifts in the container reaches $100,000,the press conference is over.

    The Biden Years--Bilk Back Better.

  2. That is what I have thought was going to happen. Covid over shortly after Biden assumes the Presidency.
