Saturday, November 14, 2020

CNN Has Given Joe Biden a Promotion, and Made New, Wild, Baseless Charges against President Trump

By Nicholas Stix

During Wolf Blitzer’s Show tonight, someone referred to Biden as not “President-elect Joe Biden,” but as “the new president.” That meant Biden had already been sworn in.

I missed the swearing-in ceremony. Whatever happened to January 20? Whatever happened to the Electoral College?

Also, one of their Lügenpresse operatives, a comely blonde of about 45 (Michelle Kosinski?), held a rant in front of the White House, in which she asserted, among other things, that Trump’s challenge to the stolen election put the public’s health in danger, though she had no evidence for any of her assertions. Except she didn’t call it a challenge to a stolen election. She spoke instead, of the President’s refusal to "concede."

She and Blitzer also claimed that Biden was unable to get his daily national security briefing, which supposedly put the nation in danger, because our nation’s enemies seek to weaken us. And who might those enemies be?

Try Sandy Cortez (aka AOC), Al Sharpton, blm, antifa, Don Lemon, et al.

Oddly enough, over the past almost four years, the fake news media have claimed that Trump officials have briefed them constantly. What changed?

One of the talking heads (Blitzer?) emphasized that immediately after the 2000 election, George W. Bush was unable to get his briefings. However, they refused to provide the back story: The Democrat Party, in trying to steal the election on behalf of Al Gore, held siege to the nation for 37 days. Blitzer made no mention of “Democrats” or “Gore.”



    Unverified,fictional,bizarro news--The UFB Network.

    The UFB Network--which includes ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN,MSNBC,the NY Times,WAPO and others-- now proudly welcomes FOX news to the UFB family.

    Let's remind you again how UFB operates.No one wants to hear news that portrays blacks,communists or immigrants the way they really are,so UFB recreates those stories to make them more enjoyable for our audience.

    For instance,where NSU or Breitbart might publish a story this way:"Suspect in Custody for Racist Attack on Actor Rick Moranis".On UFB,it becomes,"Shades of Central Park?Is Rick Moranis the New Amy Cooper?"

    Where NSU posted:"He Could Do it All...Plus He Looked Like a Movie Star:Paul Hornung Dead at 84."UFB will categorically ignore White Greatness and instead post:"Even With a Losing Record,Cam Newton More Popular in New England than Tom Brady Ever Was".
    See?We ignored the Hornung story completely and made up another one completely out of our asses.Isn't that better?

    "Black Thug,Rapes and Kills White Woman",changes into:

    "Chicago Sees 10 Killed,34 Shot"--also:

    Why are we telling you this?Because we want to you to get used to the fresh way that news will be reported from January 20th,2021 onward.All the networks are in on it--safely under the UFB umbrella.So sit back,relax and enjoy a new way of receiving your daily news.
    UFB--You can count on us(to lie to you 24 hours a day.)

  2. He must be President. He MUST be.
