Sunday, November 22, 2020

Breaking News Alert: Powell Responds to Trump Pushaway

[Re: “Breaking News Alert: Trump and Giuliani Dump Powell!”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 8:23:00 P.M. EST

(ZH) Update (19:55 ET): Sidney Powell has responded to the Trump Campaign’s Sunday night announcement that she was not part of their legal team, telling CBS News “I understand today’s press release. I will continue to represent #WeThePeople who had their votes for Trump and other Republicans stolen by massive fraud through Dominion and Smarmatic, and we will be filing suit soon.

Powell continues, “The chips will fall where they may, and we will defend the foundations of this great Republic,” and ends with the hashtag #KrakenOnSteroids.

GRA: Or she’s a publicity hound. I clicked her Twitter page last week and was redirected to a site where you could order her books. Trump may have seen the scam—finally. Too bad (I say those two words a lot lately). --GRA

N.S.: GRA, I beg to differ. This lady has been nothing but honorable.

If she were a publicity hound, how come neither of us ever heard about her until she was past 60, and Michael Flynn’s attorney? She had already long been a legendary prosecutor and defense lawyer.

Contrast Powell to Trump and Giuliani. Already when they were in their thirties, the whole world knew who they were. Trump would call up journalists, impersonating a PR flack. Back in 1998, I wrote that Giuliani was the greatest mayor in New York City history, but I also said at the time that he was a liar of presidential proportions.

Dumping Powell was an act of desperation.



  1. Fair points,but if an opportunist sees an opportunity,why not try to make a huge splash in order to get clicks on your book website?

    SOMETHING happened in the interim of last Sunday to today that caused the legal team to eject her from the process.

    Either Giuliani and company just wanted to put on a big show with no payoff,the entire time,or they found out Powell was a fraud.

    Both are lousy endings to what Trump backers(including me)had hoped for.,

    Powell filing lawsuits by herself is not encouraging.

  2. One more thought about her lack of prominence,before these last two weeks--she'll never be mistaken for Tina Louise.

  3. Well, nobody like these black ghettos dumping votes the next day to change the election, legitimate or not the fact these parasites can veto what the American People vote for is subconsciously resented even by those who claim "not to be racist." But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and the Trump team basically has to prove that hundreds of thousands of fake ballots were dumped in during the wee hours of the morning or basically this thing is over. In reality I saw back in 2016 with the razor thin margins Trump won the Rust Belt by that this was darn near impossible to repeat again in 2020 with 4 years worth of Obituaries of Silent Generation and Early Boomers dying off and their spot on the voter rolls being replaced by drug addicted, public school warped, fatherless, young Generation Bastard Whites and Immigrants. This legal case seems to be going nowhere and unless he's secretly holding a royal flush, Trump would be better served in his legacy by focusing on getting this vaccine approved and out on military flights to start use ASAP.
