Saturday, November 21, 2020

Angelo Codevilla: We Now Live in a Totalitarian Oligarchy

By An Old Friend  

Roughly half the country is living under an alien regime that means to harm us socially, politically, and economically.

By Angelo Codevilla

November 20, 2020

By its campaign and conduct of the 2020 election, the ruling class ceased pretending to be part of a constitutional republic. By treating fellow Americans as inferiors through word and deed, its members renounced their common citizenship with us. Eschewing persuasion, they set about compelling obedience to an openly manipulated election.

Thus did they burn their bridges to the rest of America as surely as did Hernán Cortéz when he burned the ships that had carried his troops to conquer the Aztec empire. Henceforth, they must rule or ruin as the oligarchy they have become.

For four decades beginning in the mid-1960s, a class of rulers grew in America. They became ever more uniform socially and intellectually, ever more opposed to the rest of Americans, and ever more powerful. This happened as government took upon itself the tasks of eliminating poverty and harmonizing the races, and as it controlled ever greater shares of the national income.

Increasingly, their powers were based on claims of expertise coming from the universities. These underwent a fourfold increase in size (from 9 percent of Americans with four-year degrees in 1965 to 36 percent in 2015). Their connection with government conferred both wealth and additional prestige. Few paid attention to President Eisenhower’s warning about the connection between government and academic elites.

Elsewhere, I have discussed how inherently pregnant with peril the existence of such a class was for constitutional life. Suffice it to say, by the beginning of the Obama Administration in 2009, the rest of Americans had sensed that American public life had ceased to revolve around the struggle between Democrats and Republicans, and was more between those who lived by the ruling class’ privileges, and those who did not—between the “ins” and the “outs,” between the ruling class and what had been known in English history as the country class.

During the Obama years, the American country class’ budding resistance spurred the ruling class further to become conscious of itself, to increase its own privileges, its cohesion, and above all its contempt for and demands on those below them. Political correctness ceased to be bemusing for the country class and came to be seen as the threat to freedom that it is. Corporate America became indistinguishable from government in its demands for compliance. That is why the 2016 presidential primaries and election revealed a substantial anti-ruling class majority among Americans, though it was split between opposite ends of the political spectrum.

In short, during the Obama years the ruling class was becoming an oligarchy that ruled by exercising the powers of government and of incumbency in corporations as well as all manner of social institutions. Private institutions, allied with government and inspired by government-supported universities, increasingly exercised arbitrary powers.

But by November 2016 this oligarchy had yet to articulate itself into something capable of acting for a common purpose. That is why the 2016 election may prove to have been the last more-or-less bona fide free election in America’s history.

Donald Trump’s surprising victory proved to be the catalyst for this oligarchy to articulate itself into something that was able to transcend our constitutional republic altogether, to dispense with and even to penalize the habits and institutions that had held it together. Ours is now a socio-political system wholly different from that constitutional republic of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. It is mandating a way of life that few in America could have imagined.

It is unlikely that in November 2016 the Democratic Party’s leaders who continued to blame “the Russians” for Hillary Clinton’s defeat meant more than to salve a bit their defeat. They probably did not mean for their “resistance” to be more than a traditional mobilization of defeated forces. But the “resistance” took on a life of its own, fed from on high by such as the CIA’s John Brennan and FBI’s James Comey, and the host of their politicized subordinates, as well as from below by violent “intersectional” groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

This resistance was powerfully sustained in the middle by countless corporate executives, government employees, editors, and reporters. The convergence of so many like-minded people quickly and decisively transmuted a political tactic into the replacement of a republic with an oligarchy. It replaced government by consent with rule by force.

Because this revolution involved subordinating truth itself to political power, it effected negation of civilization itself.

This is how it happened. It had been clear to that class that Trump was dangerous only because he represented his “deplorable” supporters. The ruling class sought to resist them by dispiriting them and discrediting them in their own and others’ eyes. Demonizing Trump was the means by which they sought to do this.

Arguably the American country class’ principal mistake between 2016 and 2020 was to suppose that the Left was actually after Trump, rather than set about crushing them and killing the American regime.

When those at the top of American communications’ food chain, the folks at the New York Times, said openly that they would put truth aside during the noble fight against Trumpism, when the news industry shamelessly purveyed obviously incredible stories about Trump’s alleged Russia collusion; when they shamelessly purveyed obviously unsourced rumor as truth; when they seconded officials’ using classified information as a shield and sword against conservatives; when corporations and even government agencies began to require that employees attend brainwashing sessions; when communications companies—especially Google, Facebook, and Twitter—began mathematically to discriminate against conservative communications; when the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives’ proposed legislation would have mandated voting by mail and ballot harvesting—severing the link between any ballot and the voter’s will or even existence—conservatives imagined that this was mere hardball politics within a republican context. Not so.

When the coronavirus hit, Americans did not realize how thoroughly their ruling class had already jelled into an oligarchy with the intention above all to crush them. Neither did they comprehend how assuredly it would not waste this opportunity to do so. Tragically led astray by Donald Trump’s misplaced faith in the objectivity of “the experts,” personified by Dr. Anthony Fauci, conservatives were persuaded to respond to an epidemic with an infection/fatality rate comparable to the average flu as if it were the plague.

But even plagues, once endemic, follow ineluctable courses through populations. Thus, by following the ignorant promise of safety through masks, etc. did conservatives at first agree to suspend face-to-face relationships. They suffered to disarticulate social life even more than economic life, to put aside one’s friends and God. They agreed to restrict their understanding of things to what the mass media would allow them to hear. They did all of this even as evidence mounted that the “experts” were nothing but agents of the oligarchy.

And then Election Night. As predicted, election officials in places controlled by the Left stopped counting until it was clear how many ballots it would take for Trump to be defeated. The requisite number came, filled out by no one knows who. And then . . . who wouldn’t have predicted it? The call came from all of society’s commanding heights: Trump’s defeat had been declared. By whom? By the folks on these varied heights—certainly not by the authorities designated by the Constitution to decide who wins and loses.

But the more instances of fraud the Trump campaign sought to investigate, the louder and from more sources sounded the judgment that there was nothing to investigate. It had been decided. You peons shut up and obey.

That is how oligarchies work.

What may be done about this is another story. But the story’s premise is that it must begin with the realization that the conservative more-or-less half of American life is living under an alien regime that means to continue harming us socially and morally just as much as economically. Plainly, we find ourselves in a (mostly not yet violent) state of war. The beginning of such safety as we may work out for ourselves is to regard our rulers as they regard us.  



  1. Trump said it best: they aren't coming for me--they are coming for you. I'm just standing in the way.
    Everyone had heard of Eisenhower's warning about the military-industrial complex. But this is the first time I read that he warned about the government-academic complex--which turns out to be far more dangerous to our country.
    This is a fight for our freedom and the quality of our lives. If the Trump team is not victorious, we must organize and fight throughout the Snifin' Joe and Kommie Kamela reign. Failure is not an option--we deplorables will be pounded into the dust if we fail.

  2. I have long said that the future--if we don't change it--is fascism. Fascism is when government and corporations are in bed together. In China big companies may be owned by the Red Army or tied into the Communist Party. In our last election, not only the MSMM and the Tech Tyrants, but also Wall Street was heavily invested in the Democrat candidates. This election fraud must not stand or the globalists will completely control our country.

    GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — The smiling face of the 23-year-old looking down on Eastern Avenue is another example of a life ended too soon.

    “I want justice for my son,” said Taneka McIntosh of her son, Deon Floyd.
    (GRA:George Floyd's kid? Lol)

    Floyd was standing with other family members outside a home on Watkins Street SE near Henry Avenue SE on Oct. 16 when someone opened fire, killing the father of two.
    (GRA:99% black ghetto.)

    His youngest, a daughter, was born earlier this month.

    She’s a child Floyd never got a chance to hold.
    (GRA:Cue violins.)

    “He never had an enemy. He never got into a fight at all. He was innocent. Wrong place, wrong time.” McIntosh said.
    (GRA:He had at least ONE enemy,didn't he?)

    Family and friends joined Floyd’s mother and grandmother Wednesday near the billboard on Eastern, south of Wealthy, to urge anyone who knows anything about the killing to come forward.
    GRA:Black crickets as always.)

    “If you know anything, would you please come forward and say something. My son was innocent. He didn’t do anything to anybody, ” McIntosh said. “If you think your tip isn’t going to help, it just might.”
    (GRA:Here's a tip:Be more observant of your kids--who was he hanging out with--do they have criminal records?Did your son have a lot of money,new clothes--but no job?Think about it,)

    Floyd’s grandmother echoed her daughters plea.

    “Don’t let it be another victim that just died out here in the street. Please bring it to justice. Please!” Carry McIntosh said.

    Two other billboards are asking for information on unsolved killings.

    Manuel Salgado was one of two people shot on Lincoln Avenue near Second Street on the city’s West Side on Dec. 5 of last year.
    (GRA:MY side of town.First I've seen the vics name--figures.

    His billboard is on Leonard near Alpine.

    The design for a new Silent Observer billboard calling for information in the murder of Manuel Salgado. (Courtesy)
    Another billboard, on Wealthy Street near Eastern Avenue, asks for help in solving the murder of 64-year-old Terry Wilks. He was found dead in the area of Diamond Avenue and Sigsbee Street Sept. 21 of this year.
    (GRA:Dem blackies are not age-ists are they?They kill 'em all from young baby to 64 year olds and up.)

    A Project Safe Neighborhoods grant from the U.S. Attorney’s Office is paying for the “You Know Who Killed Me” billboard campaign.

    It’s also helped Silent Observer raise the reward fund to $3,000 for tips leading to an arrest in any of the three cases.

    “Their information is anonymous. We don’t want their names. We just want their crime solving information,” said Silent Observer Executive Director Chris Cameron.

    At 33, Grand Rapids is nearing a year-end homicide rate that hasn’t been seen since the crack epidemic of the early 90s(actually more this year than the last two years combined.)

    GRA:"Crack epidemic"--the oft repeated mantra.Does this reference mean that crack is here again?No,it's the reason media uses to excuse black behavior they can't(or won't)explain to the public.In the early 90s,black population was probably half of what it is now in Grand Rapids--and in specific ghetto areas.Now,they are in every corner of the city.

    It isn't crack that's causing 2020's murders,just like it isn't racism that causes blacks to "disproportionately" catch coronavirus.
    It's black behavior--which the lying media will not tell their viewers.

  4. "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" (source disputed). I don't think a single plan is the answer--everyone needs to do something--organize, write, donate--do whatever they can do best. If you look at all the things the left controls--media, education, art, foundations, etc.--it is obvious that freedom -loving patriots need to get more involved if freedom is not to perish. I think conservatives tend to do their jobs and mind their own business. In contrast, the left makes their ideology a part of everything they do. We need to support many organizations which do investigations and file lawsuits against organizations and individual stealing our freedom. We need to support scientists who pursue truth rather than prop up leftist ideas. Leftists loudly proclaim their faith and attack conservatives. Conservatives tend to cower and shut up for fear they won't be liked or will be discriminated against. Leftists tell us we are evil--we need to put it back on them. Until freedom-loving patriots integrate their beliefs in everything they do--instead of just at election time--the left will continue to gain power until freedom is extinguished all over the world.
