Saturday, November 21, 2020

35 Years Ago, Philadelphia Did the Right Thing, in Blowing MOVE Terrorists to Kingdom Come; So, What Do Its Leaders Do Today? Apologize, Naturally!

By R.C.
Fri, Nov 20, 2020 9:23 p.m.

Philadelphia Apologizes for MOVE Bombing from 35 Years Ago

R.C.: Why?

And there will be demands for gazillions in reparations, to be paid by law-abiding, White taxpayers.



  1. No mention in that article of how viciously homicidal this 'movement' was, the fact that they had previously succeeded in murdering Phila police.
    Anyone who was a sentient being back in the early 1980's and followed Phila news, was aware of this - there was plenty of TV coverage back then of these shootings.
    They turned that rowhouse over the years into an impregnable fortress - fortifying walls with logs, removing windows - but allowing portholes from which to more effectively snipe not only police, but firemen, anyone stupid enough to personally approach the place.
    MOVE effectively held the entire neighborhood hostage for years - they wanted some 'apocalyptic' showdown, and they got it.

  2. Which is why Whites have to move--and ARE moving out of the big cities.If you don't live there,they can't tax you to pay for nig misbehavior.

  3. If the MORONS MOVE had just come out the building with their hands up nothing would have happened. So the rest is history now. MOVE was to blame and no one else.
