Thursday, November 19, 2020

4 = 3: Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm’s “Bio-Ethics Expert” Brother, Wants to Subsume China Virus Vaccine to the White Genocide Project—Whites Will Pay for the Vaccine, but He Would Withhold It from Them, in Order to Slaughter Them

By Nicholas Stix

Steve Sailer: “Ezekiel Emanuel: the US Government Should Let Americans Die in Order to Give Scarce COVID Vaccines to Countries Where People Die Young Anyway.”

Emanuel: “Three values are particularly relevant: benefiting people and limiting harm, prioritizing the disadvantaged, and equal moral concern.”

First off, Emanuel doesn’t know the difference between three and four. Well, those four “values” are mutually incompatible.

Whomever Emanuel and his cronies define as “disadvantaged” will get privileged treatment and benefit, while those whom they define as “advantaged” will be deliberately harmed. So much for “equal moral concern,” or for “limiting harm.”

American “ethicists” aka “ethics experts” like Emanuel are utterly morally and intellectually corrupt. They can’t argue themselves out of a paper bag. They work from coercion, lies, and sophistry.

What is now called “cancel culture” has been at home on campus for generations. (There is no such thing as an “ethics expert.”)



  1. " prioritizing the disadvantaged,"

    Code words for blacks.

  2. A short leap from cancelling White people's livelihoods to cancelling their lives.

  3. Whenever there is an outrageous immoral action in a hospital it is the "ethics" board which supports it. So when you see "ethics board" think of medical horrors. Ezekiel Emanuel doesn't even want old people to have the vaccine because countries with lots of old people may be more prosperous--and successful countries are despicable to a Marxist like him. He also thinks people are worthless after the age of 75 and thinks older people enjoying their lives with the money they earned from a lifetime of working is of no value. He would withhold various medical treatments from older people to kill them off. This man is a sick monster and he is an indication of the state of mind of the Democrats today.
