Sunday, October 04, 2020

Why Did the Authorities Pick White Taxpayers’ Pockets to the Tune of $12 Million, to Give to black Criminal Breonna Taylor’s Mother? Taylor's Boyfriend Said Breonna Opened Fire on Cops during No-Knock Warrant before Changing His Story, According to ...

By A Friend



  1. Because no one waits for the facts--everyone panics.The mayors and city managers watch the TV coverage and think that by appeasing the lying blacks,it will end the potential for rioting.
    No,blacks don't think that way--there's "black lottery money" plus there's "riot merchandise"--and it's racist to restrict them to one or the other.

  2. How long before Breonna's mother blows through the $12 million and is broke. The classic lottery winner pattern seems likely here.

  3. Of course now the "boyfriend" is changing his story. Easier and cheaper to Louisville to give the famblee money and make them happy.
