Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Straight Outta Compton: Compton Man Arrested, Charged with Attempted Murder in Ambush Shooting of 2 Deputies

By R.C.
Wed, Sep 30, 2020 2:07 p.m.

Compton Man Arrested, Charged with Attempted Murder in Ambush Shooting of 2 Deputies



  1. LA County DA Jackie Lacey charged the suspect with two counts of attempted premeditated murder, which is the correct charge.

    In the Louisville police shooting, the local DA charged "wanton endangerment" and "assault." This would mean little prison time.

  2. Straight outta Compton YES. Business as usual. And the log rap sheet of course. That is business as usual too.


    GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — As a violent spike in Grand Rapids continues, the city is seeing a near record number of homicides this year taking place all over the city.
    (GRA:All over the city--yes,wherever there are blacks living)
    Could an old fashion block watch be a solution? One block says it’s working for them.

    “We are not going to deal with it,” said Linda McIntosh. “They (the shooters) are not going to run us away. We own our homes. We are not leaving.”

    McIntosh is the president of her block watch on Prince Street.
    (GRA:99% black.)
    She has lived there for more than 20 years and watched the neighborhood evolve. She welcomes the young families, but this recent change is unwelcome.

    “Wake you up. Yeah it wakes you up,” said McIntosh of the sound of gun shots.

    Drive-by shootings are now happening on her street. She says last month was the last straw.
    GRA;On it goes with the ridiculous premise of stopping black violence--I'll let you know about the next shooting on Prince.Actually,I thought there was one last week.

    But hey everyone--this is it--an idea that's never been done by ANYONE(except in every other city in the country)and from now more shootings,murders,drive-bys etc.--guaranteed!
    My laugh of the day.
    WOOD(and all television stations in GR)will tell you that the shootings are occurring all over the city--a completely dishonest insinuation that Whites are equally involved as much as blacks.It's all black violence--in black neighborhoods,in neighborhoods that have some blacks AND even on occasion,in 99% White neighborhoods.No area is safe anymore in any city.They lie blatantly and they lie deceptively--today an example of the latter.
