Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Pennsylvania Democrats Caught Throwing Out Trump Votes

From: The New American <>
Mon, Sep 28, 2020 5:00 p.m.

Pennsylvania Democrats Caught Throwing Out Trump Votes

TNA Top Daily Headlines | September 28, 2020

Pennsylvania Democrats Caught Throwing Out Trump Votes


    by Andrea Widburg via ZH
    My guess is that this October,the Trump administration is going to release one piece of evidence after another showing that the Democrat party, from Hillary to Obama, and from the FBI to the CIA to the DOJ, and everywhere in between, engaged in a massive, seditious conspiracy to overturn the results of the 2016 election. Indeed, the information cascade has already begun with the release of DNI John Ratcliffe’s letter about Hillary’s conceiving of the Russia hoax.

    In sum, amidst all the sound and fury of the debate, these two important points emerged:

    (1) If he wins, Biden will almost certainly sign off on ending the filibuster to pack the courts and add two new states for a permanent Democrat majority that will leave the Constitution behind.

    (2) Trump may have announced that he’s about to reveal that the Democrats, from Obama on down, engaged in a coup against an American president.
    GRA:In looking over some of the analysis today from last night's debate,I'm thinking I missed some key moments--mostly because of the chaotic atmosphere--but Trump made some excellent points.The MSM would not acknowledge them of course,focusing on the yelling.Trump seemed angry--which I agree with--he should be,now he needs to get as nasty as the Dems are--and release info on Obama on down.The Trump style last night,however,won him no converts.
