Wednesday, September 02, 2020

In Mock Funerals, Young Chadwick Boseman Fans Mourn Black Panther

By R.C.
Wed, Sep 2, 2020 3:54 p.m.

In Mock Funerals, Young Chadwick Boseman Fans Mourn Black Panther

R.C.: So, Wakandians can't raise him from the dead?


  1. NBC getting all the "usual suspects" together for a Boseman funeral service and all day coverage?Wouldn't put it past them.

    Coming soon to NBC,from 1 to 5pm,"Daily negro Funeral Ceremonies",your host Lesta Holt will guide you through a daily assortment of dead black's last rites--rich and poor,famous and unknown.Holt,along with Rehema Ellis,Craig Melvin,many guest stars like John Legend,Al Sharpton and Cornel West will explore our philosophy at NBC, that "dead blacks matter" too.

    Plus,the NBC Negro Gospel Choir(Al Roker and his relatives)will join us to help shine a spotlight on a newly departed black each weekday afternoon.

    Our CEO,Brian Roberts,feels that every dead black deserves nationwide funeral coverage,so much so that we're working on a 24 hour cable channel with just black funerals--but that's in the future.

    So for now--join us won't you?If you don't(and our Comcast technology can detect which of you racist Whites aren't)we'll get you fired from your job.That's called "social justice"!
    As we said--join us--Y'ALL!
    NBC--the Negro Burial Channel.

  2. No need to raise him from the dead. Black panthers are immortal. He will raise himself.
