Wednesday, September 30, 2020

ICE Preparing to Make Targeted Arrests in Sanctuary Cities as Soon as This Week

By R.C.
Wed, Sep 30, 2020 1:00 p.m.

ICE Preparing to Make Targeted Arrests in Sanctuary Cities as Soon as This Week


Why not mass arrests?

N.S.: R.C., that would be impossible. There are only 30 million to 50 million illegal human beings in the whole country. Where on Earth would ICE find them?



  1. Ship them,FED-EX,back to anywhere south of the border.

  2. jerry pdx
    The bias toward Trump in the debate by Wallace and the commentators was even worse than I expected. Clearly, they were all against Trump and Wallace was helping Biden while trying to undermine Trump. At the end of the debate, the talking sock puppets all blamed Trump for the interruptions but if you watch the beginning of the debate, Trump was being perfectly respectful when Biden started speaking, it was Biden that started interrupting Trump when his turn came up. You could see Trump getting annoyed by it and deciding to say the hell with being respectful and letting loose. I suspect it was a strategy from the Biden camp, start needling Trump with interruptions and see if he loses it. It won't matter where it started, all people will remember is Trump "losing it", though it was more of a case of his more forceful personality dominating Biden's relatively bland one.

  3. Solution for ICE = "BOUNTY PROGRAM". Use off-duty and retired law enforcement and military to round 'em up. ICE Admin can focus on collection centers and swift deportation. The good guys can earn some extra money. It's a win-win. Let's get to work, guys!

  4. Brand them, tattoo them, notch their ears, micro-chip them. For habitual offenders cut off the first joint of the little finger of the left hand.
