Sunday, September 27, 2020

Good News! Hispanic Leaders Say Illegal Human Beings are Afraid to Fill Out Census Forms, Even if It’s Perfectly Legal

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Sep 27, 2020 8:54 p.m.

Latino leaders say many Hispanics, especially those who have entered the country illegally, are afraid to fill out the forms even if it's perfectly legal.

N.S.: They have a sentimental memory of a time when laws had meaning.

ATR: When is the worthless, orange-haired clown in the Oval Office going to begin mass deportations?

N.S.: The day before Election Day?


  1. Not afraid to pour in here by the tens of millions.Living with fake IDs,no car insurance,under the radar is pretty damn good.Crimes can be committed,gamgs organized,drug networks set up.Citizenxhip is too constricting--taxes and laws and all that inconvenience of being known.Can anyone tell a fake Pablo Morales from the real one?
    Answer:I doubt it,they're all Pablo Morales or Ramon Gutierrez's--no difference.

  2. Most of them cannot read and write in their own language, much less English.
