Monday, September 28, 2020

Former NM Democratic Gov. Bill Richardson Accused of Taking Bribes, Kickbacks to "Fund Debauched Lifestyle Including Sexual Services and Favors"

By A Texas Reader

"Former NM Democratic Gov. Bill Richardson Accused of Taking Bribes, Kickbacks to 'Fund Debauched Lifestyle Including Sexual Services and Favors'"



  1. Only one cockroach got caught?Bill Richardson--famous pundit,soothsayer and Dem overseer.He thought that Michelle Obama would enter the race late(August or September) after Biden withdrew and lead the Dems to easy victory over Trump.
    Could still happen if Biden comes off as mentally challenged in the debate.Expectations are very low for him and the press will be
    sympathetic,but too much dementia and Mobama could still save the day.
    Back to Richardson.A sex addict,friends with the Clintons and Epstein--who'd have thunk it?He always DID look pretty happy on those Sunday morning talk I know why.

  2. Bill as I remember was at one time a serious candidate or considered a serious potential for the Presidency.
