Monday, September 28, 2020

Breaking News Alert: Trump Tax Reveal Roils Presidential Race

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From: The Hill <>
To: Subscriber <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 28, 2020 6:03 p.m.

News Alert: Trump Tax Reveal Roils Presidential Race

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News Alert

Trump tax reveal roils presidential race
An explosive report on President Trump's tax returns has roiled the presidential race as Democrat Joe Biden and Trump get ready to debate for the first time on Tuesday night.

The White House aggressively sought to push back on the report in The New York Times that Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017.

Democrats, believing the report could bolster their chances in November, seized on the news, and the Biden campaign released a new ad noting that Trump was paying less in taxes than the average U.S. school teacher or firefighter.
Read the full story here






  1. Coincidentally,right before the first debate.Yawn...predictable.

  2. Don paid his taxes big time. Many carried over to the next year for over-payment. He DID pay taxes way beyond what the fake news says.
