Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Are We on the Brink of Civil War? Attorneys for Kyle Rittenhouse Prepare Defamation Lawsuit after Joe Biden Accuses Kid of being White Supremacist in Post-Debate Ad

By R.C.
Wed, Sep 30, 2020 12:21 p.m.

Attorneys for Kyle Rittenhouse Prepare Defamation Lawsuit after Joe Biden Accuses Kid of being White Supremacist in Post-Debate Ad

R.C.: Looks like we are on the brink of civil war.



  1. There's no other solution.

  2. Kyle was shot at for trying to put a fire in a dumpster. I guess that is what a whitey supremacist is. Whatever a whitey supremacist is.

  3. Kyle was shot at for trying to put a fire in a dumpster. I guess that is what a whitey supremacist is. Whatever a whitey supremacist is.
