Monday, August 24, 2020

Is the Dallas Police Chief's Job on the Line?

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Goodman, D BRIEF Editor <>
Sent: Sun, Aug 23, 2020 1:15 p.m.

Is the Dallas Police Chief's Job on the Line?

N.S.: I have no idea what Matt Goodman is saying. He won't even call riots, "riots," as opposed to "protests." What does Goodman expect the police to do? Crush the rioters, or let them "vent"? Is he saying that the police are guilty of excessive or insufficient force? The councilmen criticizing Chief Hall are likewise speaking with marbles in their mouths.

Is the Dallas Police Chief's Job on the Line?
It certainly seems to be.

1 comment:

  1. Here's the problem:Does the nig mayor replace her with another nig?Maybe not.Just possibly they pull a "Bottoms"--like in Atlanta--insert a White(with zero authority),let them fail and go back to black.It's a sham black game,designed to not solve anything,but perpetuate and keep blacks in powerful offices(like mayor,chief and city manager).Blacks in government are so "in over their heads" in solving black crime and running a city,that status quo is all they seek.
    Why Whites--65% of Dallas--don't unite to vote in some real change of philosophy(and color) to its political officeholders--change that might get blacks to move out--I don't understand.
