Saturday, August 29, 2020

FOX: Author Defends Looting on NPR

By "W"
Sat, Aug 29, 2020 7:59 p.m.

FOX: Author Defends Looting on NPR

1 comment:

  1. The plan is clear:complain about blacks being overcharged and over-sentenced for trivial crimes like domestic assault,rape,burglary,drug dealing and escaping from arrest.It's nothing but White persecution in the negro's head.
    "We just doin' what we do,no reason fo the cops to get involved."
    The push to defund police goes hand in hand with this philosophy of legalizing crime.Sending social workers to residences,where the crimes I mentioned above have been committed,turns the punishment from prison to weekly sessions with a shrink.This is the goal of blm,the NBA,Lesta Holt,Oprah and anyone who complains about "injustice" against blacks.The black's behavior will never change--they know that--so to "fix the problem" means to eliminate the act of arresting blacks.
    Any blacks reading this--tell me I'm wrong .
