Sunday, August 30, 2020

California is a Failed State; How Do We Know?; They're Moving to Arizona in Droves.

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Aug 30, 2020 11:39 a.m.

ATR: California is a Failed State. How Do We Know? They're Moving to Arizona in Droves.

Gee, why is this?
Too many white supremacists marching in the streets of Oakland?
The Californians are moving to Texas, as well.
Endured 108-degree temp yesterday.  Had to take the trash out.  Walked out to the condo dumpster.  Passed a BMW SUV.   A few months ago it had California license plates affixed to it.  Now it has Texas plates.
California is another Brazil.  Both have extremes of wealth and poverty with small middle classes.  And both are dominated by non-whites.
And so-called fossil fuels?
Total horses--t.
The moons of Jupiter and Saturn are awash in hydrocarbons
Gruesome Newsom and the other parasite elites have artificially inflated the cost of so-called fossil fuels over the past decades.   A move that is both stupid and very, very regressive.  But don't let Gruesome Newsom and the other elites ever admit this.

Chemical composition and surface roughness of the lakes[edit]

According to Cassini data, scientists announced on February 13, 2008, that Titan hosts within its polar lakes "hundreds of times more natural gas and other liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth." The desert sand dunes along the equator, while devoid of open liquid, nonetheless hold more organics than all of Earth's coal reserves.[18] It has been estimated that the visible lakes and seas of Titan contain about 300 times the volume of Earth's proven oil reserves.[19] 
And you wonder why California is a failed state?



  1. They're not the only failed state.The question is,where does EVERYONE go to escape?The country I supposed--small town Americana.

  2. White folks been moving out that state for decades.

  3. The scientists who make these claims can only be correct if Titan was once home to carbon based life; plants and animals, that is extremely unlikely. It is possible that Titan, like the rings of Saturn, has massive frozen hydrogen deposits, but that is not hydrocarbon.
