Friday, August 28, 2020

blm Militants Issue THREATS to White Citizens Living in N.Y. and Chicago – Get Out Now!

By Merlin
Fri, Aug 28, 2020 7:59 a.m.

blm Militants Issue THREATS to White Citizens Living in N.Y. and Chicago – Get Out Now!

blm Threatens Whites in both Chicago and NYC

Good luck with that, blm... but why isn't blm banned as the domestic terrorist organization they are? How many cities have to burn? How many highways shut down
and people carjacked? How many people need to be beaten and killed... before Bill Barr and Donald Trump do the right thing and start rounding up the leaders of this vicious and violent, racist group?

Sent: Fri, Aug 28, 2020 12:03 a.m.
Subject: Chicago BLM Militant Issues Threat to Citizens – Get Out Now! – Conservative Headline News

She's in a time warp- "listen to us or get ran over." "Ran"- is past tense.(She must have done great in school- especially grammar class. Maybe that's why she's a loser who is demanding- too stupid or lazy to learn anything in school. Maybe a time traveler? Here's present tense. Get control of yourself and your a**hole disruptive friends- cause if you try to ran me over- I will blow your [bleepinng] fat head off! How's that back from the citizens who really own the cities. Choose wisely, ignorant fool.

1 comment:

  1. A minor wish that has always existed is now a major wish that exists.
