Friday, July 03, 2020

White Couple Arrested, Charged with Felonious Assault, for Defending Themselves against Racist Blacks While Shopping

By A Longtime Reader
Fri, Jul 3, 2020 2:00 p.m.

"Couple Who Pulled Guns on Black Mother and Daughters Charged with Felony Assault"

Just the latest incident of local police and prosecutors working hard to insure as many white people get murdered by Blacks as possible.

Does any idiot believe that they wouldn't have been physical assaulted - likely beaten to death - had they not had firearms to protect themselves?

So, if you are in fear of your life - as any sane, intelligent non-Black would certainly be, based on thousands of hours of collected video evidence at this point of blacks beating, knifing and shooting whites - you are now "forbidden" from defending yourself?


  1. #1 Rule:
    Don't associate with blacks.
    #2 Rule:
    Avoid areas where blacks congregate.
    Nothing good can come with breaking either rule.Your life will be shortened,you may get robbed or injured.
    In this case,the man GOT FIRED!!!
    Now if we had a nationwide white organization,we could storm that business and make them hire whitey back.
    But we don't...

  2. Eric Wuestenberg was an employee at Oakland University. The school said in a statement Friday to NBC News that it found "his behavior unacceptable" and he has since been fired.
    GRA:Just like that.How about taking some food stamps away from blackie for instigating the entire episode.Jeezus,everyone is so GD stupid--from the cops,to the prosecutor(black?)to the school.Four years in prison for the whites,while blacks across the country laugh their unemployed asses off.
    "Sista got whitey niggas can't do no wrong.We might take this f***ing country over yet."

  3. In the BLM category: In Frederick MD, a 16 year old black male and his 14, that's right 14 year old girl friend killed a seventeen year old black girl. Ho hum, business as usual, black lives only matter if you can frame a white cop who kills a black criminal.
