Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Diary of a White Man, July 29, 2020

The Diary of a White Man, July 29, 2020

[Re: “Nick Sandmann wasn’t Supposed to Survive; He was Meant to End Up Like Mike Adams.”]

By Anonymous
Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 12:02:00 P.M. EDT

Their plan was to destroy the life of a white male teenager.

Just like with the “Karen” garbage. White women are vilified for calling the police on anyone who looks black. Basically, their lives are destroyed, like the woman in Central Park who called the police because a large, black male was harassing her.

He could have asked her to take her dog out of the garden but since he’s not a park employee, he really couldn’t do anything about it. In a deserted area of Central Park, where I would not walk alone in the daytime. Yes, I am afraid of black males, black teenagers.

Fun new fact: With all the b.s. about racism affecting black women’s health, memory, blah, blah, blah, White males have a lower life expectancy than black females. No wonder, half of them don’t have to work at all in their affirmative action jobs.

But I digress - there are huge amounts of money and constant stupid conferences to enforce and stress just how evil Whites are. The nonsense that occurred, and the news articles are a result of decades of this. Thank God, it failed.

What do young White males think, when they are constantly bombarded with the propaganda? When I was in my twenties, one day I said, well I guess I’m just horrible. I’m not black and I'm not from the third world. I’m not Hispanic, Latino, wait a minute... when did Hispanic or Latino become a RACE? Can anyone explain that to me?

Anyhow, I finally realized decades later that denigrating Whites and making Whites out to be evil and the cause of all of blacks’ problems is a form of mind control.

This helps me to take care of myself better. For example – was on the F train, hardly anyone on it. A black male is singing church songs and begging. No one gives him anything. I move away from him further down the train, for my self-preservation. He sits down, verbally upset that no one is giving him any money, and stares at me. Beggar starts in about how I moved away from him. Why wouldn’t I? He could become violent with me. As soon as I could, I ran to another car.

Coming out of the subway in a deserted back exit, a young black male demands I open the subway door for him, so he can get in for free. I am afraid of him, with good cause. I keep going and do no such thing. If I let him in the subway, he could assault me.

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