Sunday, July 26, 2020

Police Identify Racist Downtown Austin Rioter, Who Terrorized a Driver, Who Shot Him Dead in Self-Defense

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Jul 26, 2020 9:21 p.m.

Police Identify Downtown Austin Protest Shooting Victim [sic]; Say He Reportedly Pointed Weapon at Car before being Shot, Killed

ATR: This is Texas! Pointing a gun at a stranger is tantamount to a death sentence, which is what it became in this instance.

It's not Portland or Seattle.

The decedent pointed a gun at a citizen, who had every right to drive on that street.

"You can't fix stupid." - Ron White


  1. It goes without saying that a white guy pulling a gun on another white guy,in the name of BLM,is the updated definition of insanity.Used to be "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result",was the definition.
    I nominate this to replace that one.

  2. Fired five shots at the driver. He started the gun battle.

  3. Austin has the same problem a lot of other cities have: local authorities allow "protestors" to do whatever they want.
