Friday, July 31, 2020

Over 10 Million People Have Recovered from the China Virus around the World, According to Johns Hopkins, and Yet...

By A Texas Reader
Thu, Jul 30, 2020 10:49 p.m.

Over 10 Million People Have Recovered from COVID-19 around the World, According to Johns Hopkins

Amid the recoveries, the coronavirus pandemic is still ongoing.

ATR: Does anyone actually die of COVID?

Or is it the co-morbidity factors that kill them?

N.S.: That's a question that needs to be asked of a great many deaths (whether or not the China Virus was a factor) of people who were in poor health with two or more conditions.

1 comment:

  1. Morbidities are not death sentences. Many people have them and still live long lives. I have had several for 20 years and hope to keep living for a few more decades if the Wuhan Virus doesn't get me. The fact that having things like high blood pressure, kidney disease, etc. makes a person more vulnerable to Wuhan Virus doesn't change the fact that the Wuhan Virus is what killed them. Some people who happen to be young and healthy take comfort that they are not at high risk--that is great for them. That doesn't mean that older people who often have health issues don't deserve to live as long a possible. Perhaps people don't understand the word "morbidity" and think it means the person is already dying. That is not the case--my mother, for example, had high blood pressure and lived into her 90's--and the blood pressure is NOT what killed her--but the Wuhan Virus could have cut her life short if it had happened while she was alive.
