Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Is this Story Real?! Zimbabwe Agrees to Pay $3.5 Billion in Reparations to White Farmers

By R.C.
Wed, Jul 29, 2020 9:47 p.m.

Zimbabwe Agrees to Pay $3.5 Billion Compensation to White Farmers

N.S.: If this is for real, Whites need to get going with our own reparations movement in America and Europe.

1 comment:

  1. Here in the U.S.,two questions:
    What would we ask for in dollar figures?I estimated all the losses from theft(20 billion lost in 2018 at retail stores),poor productivity,money spent on prisons($50,000 per black each year)plus welfare,section 8 and loss of house value--since 1965--let's call it 3 trillion dollars divided up to approximately 80 million Republicans(maybe independents)--but no Democrats.
    Second question:How would we get the blacks to pay us--their quality of paying bills,child support etc is not very dependable.Do we just garnishee their welfare and paychecks?
    We could try to settle out of court in two ways:Have them agree to work as slaves again for the next fifty years or leave the country in the next five years.
    If Trump could make THAT deal,he'd go down in history as the man who saved America.
