Thursday, July 30, 2020

Garden Ridge Convenience Store Clerk Killed over Cash, Lottery Tickets; Reward Offered for Suspect

By A Texas Reader
Wed, Jul 29, 2020 4:30 p.m.

Garden Ridge Convenience Store Clerk Killed over Cash, Lottery Tickets; Reward Offered for Suspect

#BLM again.

Because Black Lives Murder.

A middle-aged white (?) murdered over $125?


  1. The murder was what the nig wanted to do--the money was just a bonus.

  2. The victim, Pollyanna Smotherman, age 40. was white.

  3. jerry pdx
    I was in NY recently helping my elderly aunt, I took her on several trips to the hospital for her various conditions (not Covid). I had seen some headlines about NY hospitals being "overwhelmed" by Covid patients and was expecting the hospital to be crowded but it wasn't crowded at al. It didn't seem any busier than the times I'd been to it before the "pandemic":
    Doesn't mean there is hospital, or hospitals, awash with Covid patients, I haven't been to all of them, just that one but my personal onsite observation did not affirm what those kind of articles are claiming.
    Whenever I see these articles I look to see specific data concerning whether or not these "Covid" patients were verified to be suffering from Covid. I never see it and it's difficult to find any information on that clearly gives that information anywhere. It occurs to me that good old regular colds, flu, pneumonia and influenza's are still with us and people still need treatment for those conditions. But nowadays, if anybody gets a sniffle they are going to head to the hospital to be checked for Covid, many who may have ridden it out at home now end up at the hospital, many older people now end up hospitalized (and die there) who previously may have expired at home. So are these crowded hospital filled with actual Covid patients or people with influenza and other respiratory diseases?

    I scouted around and amongst the hysterical articles I finally found this one for Ohio that had a link to what seems on the surface to be actual statistical data concerning the number of Covid patients. However, I didn't find it 100% definitive:
    It seems to be saying, on the surface, the stats concern actual Covid patients but then I noticed at the bottom a disclaimer that had several lines using words like "probable" & "presumed", I'm a little uncertain what it is really saying but it seems they could easily massage the statistics and have some fallback reasoning if they are questioned. It would require more research and thought to work this out a little more and am a little reluctant to commit to it right now but I want to make the point that these MSM articles are very heavy on hyperbole and hysteria but very light on actual facts. Not unusual for the media but for something as serious as this pandemic you'd think somebody would take the time to actually supply us with real information, not just hysteria.

  4. Sometimes not even money disputed. Done for NO reason.

  5. Jerrypdx,the hospitals were empty from March through June-local hospitals were laying off hundreds.People were afraid to go to emergency or get surgery because of COVID.I took my mom there and it was a ghost town.Picked up in July.

  6. Guys,

    Health care commissars were warehousing China Virus patients in nursing homes.

  7. Cuomo famous for that.Michigan,had the case of the nig with Covid,rooming with an 80 year old whitey--in a nursing home--who blackie promptly beat up on video.Almost like Soylent Green--except the seniors aren't volunteering to bunk with diseased negroes--who would?


  8. jerry pdx
    Then it begs the question: Where are these articles about hospitals swamped with Covid patients coming from?

  9. There's an unbelievable amount of fiction being written that's getting passed off as news--90% of it designed to get Trump out of office.In Michigan,we have 80,000 cases of coronavirus.Grand Rapids' population is 200,000.If all the cases were packed into Grand Rapids,only 40% of the city would be infected--not that much--and the rest of the cities in the state,would have none.That's just to give you an idea of how overblown it is here.I understand other states are worse.
    There's not that much virus going on here.I talked with a nurse while waiting for take out at a Chinese restaurant a month ago.She said,she may lose her job--after 21 years--hospitals are in severe financial distress because of the virus--with no recovery in sight.Elective surgeries are huge moneymakers for hospitals--and no one was coming in at all for them.
