Friday, July 31, 2020

Father and Son are Beaten to Death by Burglar with a Baseball Bat as 10-Year-Old Grandson Calls 911 and Locks Himself in Bathroom

By R.C.
Fri, Jul 31, 2020 3:34 p.m.

Father and Son are Beaten to Death by Burglar with a Baseball Bat as 10-Year-Old Grandson Calls 911 and Locks Himself in Bathroom


  1. This is a death penalty case if there ever was one. FLA. Let us hope.

  2. The nigger--no,the no good FUC*ING nigger--could have run away and avoided any of the events that followed.Murder and battery didn't HAVE to happen.But the brain cells that are demented in black criminals(50-70% of them),would not allow for reason and an intelligent decision--leaving.The White family would most likely have never ID'd him,if he ran.
    So with absolutely zero future benefit to the thug,he attacked the older white couple and their son.
    And THAT is the black "thinking process" in a nutshell--also probably the size of their brains as well--MAYBE pistachio sized.
    Very disturbing story,but not uncommon.
