Thursday, July 30, 2020

Complaints by Ignorant, Hateful Racial Socialists Force Michigan Bed-and-Breakfast to Take Down Norwegian Flag, Because They Think It's the Confederate Flag

By R.C.
Thu, Jul 30, 2020 6:02 a.m.

Complaints by Ignorant, Hateful Liberals Force Michigan Bed and Breakfast to Take Down Norwegian Flag Because They Think It's the Confederate Flag

"An ironic twist in the story is that the couple adopted two black children, boys aged 12 and 15. The couple told the Lansing State Journal that racism has not been an issue for the boys since moving to the small conservative town:"

R.C.: What’s “ironic” about this?

These two virtue-signaling crackers (or is it Crackers?) went out to their way to adopt two negro boys.

And now they have been owned by the French Revolutionaries?

What were these two conceited, narcissisistic clowns thinking?

“Oh Biff, we are sooooo beyond racism. Why, if we adopt L’adarius and A’quarius I’ll be immune to charges of being called ‘Karen.’”


  1. "Crackas" is how the niggas pronounce it.

  2. "Hey! We're on your side!"

    Heh. Hoisted by their own petard!
