Tuesday, July 28, 2020

black Terrorist Group Demands that Detroit Mayor Fire black Police Chief James Craig, Because Craig Has Supported His Men

By R.C.
Tue, Jul 28, 2020 9:49 p.m.

During a contentious press conference on the front lawn of a house on the city's west side, members of the group also called for the firing of police chief James Craig, expressed concern about federal agents possibly patrolling Detroit, and blamed white p


R.C.: Y-Tee must be all powerful.

We get the blame for everything, yet none of the credit for, say, inventing s--t.

1 comment:

  1. Blacks--as a group--are easily,the most prolific AND worst liars in modern history.They will lie to impress someone(a white female,a fellow thug)--they'll lie for no reason at all.They'll lie to police--they'll lie to the media.In lying to the media,the reasons are usually:
    1)to tell the public that the PO-lice "have the wrong guy."
    2)Whitey was bein' racist.

    They lie to exaggerate,they lie to deny.They lie to make excuses.They lie to cause trouble and they lie because it's natural.When you flap your lips as much as blacks tend to do--the amount of verbiage probably exceeds what 3 whites or 10 Asians would utter normally in any similar timeframe--WHAT they say,is of little importance.The constant exercise of bullsh*tting is what counts to blacks.Quantity of words--not quality.
    Of course many times,the b.s. gets so out of control that blacks resort to gunplay to shut the other black up.

    So when they complain about James Craig,backing police over thugs,you have to take it with,not EVEN a grain of salt.It's just blacks bein' bigmouth blacks--and the chief,one would think(being blackie himself)knows this--and ignores it.
    Or maybe I'm giving him too much credit.
