Wednesday, June 03, 2020

The President Addressed Nation on the George Floyd Riots Today--that's President "Obama"!

By R.C.
Wed, Jun 3, 2020 3:46 p.m.

"Barack Obama to Address Nation on George Floyd Riots (5 p.m. EDT)."

R.C.: So, is this mulatto CIA operative gonna lecture us about “racism”?


  1. Full coverage on NNN--guaranteed.

  2. Obama was the second story.Other stories included Holt highlighting Mattis ,claiming Trump is trying to divide America.
    I think we know who was backstabbing Trump anonymously for 2 years.
    Also the usual blah blah:covering peaceful protests in the daytime(means nothing)and how to talk to your(black)child about this riot spree.

  3. If NNN was a movie or book and a blurb needed to be written,tonight's inscription would be:
    "A half hour of pure propaganda."
    CBS was no better,and as I switched channels to avoid Holt's bullshit,I only found a black girl reading a poem.I quickly switched to ABC to find the story I posted here today,about NYC nurses cheering for the rioters.
    No wonder whites are supporting this display of nig behavior that 40 years ago,would have meant a completely different response.
    -- GRA
