Sunday, May 24, 2020

Working Girl Troubles in SF: "I've lived in my apartment for 16 years, like, I've never paid rent late or ever. This is the first time I'm ever having to struggle with money while I've been in San Francisco," they said. In March, they reached out to advocacy group Black Sex Workers'

Sun, May 24, 2020 3:17 pm
Subject: "I've lived in my apartment for 16 years, like, I've never paid rent late or ever. This is the first time I'm ever having to struggle with money while I've been in San Francisco," they said. In March, they reached out to advocacy group Black Sex Workers'


Nobody is getting laid if they'be been laid off.

Now Congress on the other hand....


  1. Only CNN can do a story that's sympathetic to hookers lol.Wait,MSNBC could too--and CBS,ABC,NNN,"Face the Nation","Meet the Press","This Week".Those poor prostitutes.The media worries about nookie peddlers more than they do about middle class whites dying off in huge numbers(and that was before the CV-19 virus).No one gives a fu*k about whites--except when they do something the blackie loving media decides is racist or worthy of examination under a microscope..
    Other disenfranchised groups we need to remember in our thoughts:black hustlers,gangbangers,dealers,addicts,illegal aliens,felons released from prison due to the virus("these individuals are having a difficult time coping").
    Of course,the liberal governors--in their infinite wisdom-- decided to release the felons at a time when everyone else is getting a pink slip--meaning,no one will hire them,which means a quick return to crime.
    So let's take up a collection for them all--no wait,the government will be doing it soon enough I'm sure-- just not for middle class whitey.

  2. jerry pdx
    "Utah" man stabs woman to death he met on Tinder....Does that look like a Mormon to you? Check out his photo and let's guess what his citizenship status is or how long he's been a citizen:
    The headlines suggests Tinder is to blame, just like they always do when somebody got murdered after meeting on Craigslist or some other online dating thing. Absurd of course, people meet one way or another, when it was just single bars or classified dating ads the same stuff happened, but they'll do anything to steer attention away from that fact that migrants, negro's etc... are particularly prone to murder, especially (white) women.
