Sunday, May 31, 2020

Lawmakers, Business Leaders Flood DHS with Dissent on Revoking Work Authorization for Immigrant Spouses

By A Texas Reader
Sat, May 30, 2020 8:38 p.m.

Lawmakers, Business Leaders Flood DHS with Dissent on Revoking Work Authorization for Immigrant Spouses

1 comment:

  1. This is horrible! What if the Indians leave America! The corporations might be forced to hire...AMERICANS! Horrors! Imagine if I drive to the grocery store and no longer see women in saris and men in turbans everywhere. What if the 6 Indian restaurants nearby have to switch to Italian--or hamburgers? What if the new schools they keep building were no longer filled almost entirely with Indian children? What if the visa holders don't go on to get green cards and then citizenship--what will the leftist Democrats do without all the new socialist voters? Imagine living in a community which was all WHITE people--who will build our modern society? Well, maybe the European-Americans who actually created our modern world.
