Monday, April 27, 2020

"Possible terrorism": Raceless, Religionless Driver RAMS French Motorcycle Police, Seriously Wounding Two Officers

By R.C.
Mon, Apr 27, 2020 10:43 p.m.

"‘Possible terrorism’: 'Car' RAMS French Motorcycle Police, Seriously Injuring Two Officers" — RT World News.

1 comment:

  1. Macron cannot let this anti-Muslim headline stand.New headline;
    "French Cops Shown the Error of Their Ways in Confronting Law Abiding Muslim".
    (France 24) French president Macron was pleased to see two French policemen apologize to a Muslim driver for causing an incident that sent them to a local hospital.
    "It was all our fault,"said one of the cops,"we got what we deserved."
    "Oui,"said the other officer,"Muslims have every right to attack us if we get close enough to them for any reason."
    "Oui,it is their country now,the only ones who should stop Muslims are other Muslims--but maybe not even then.We are sorry."
