Sunday, April 05, 2020

Earth Day Founder Dies in Prison after Murdering and Composting Girlfriend

By R.C.
Sun, Apr 5, 2020 9:16 p.m.

"Earth Day Founder Dies in Prison after Murdering and Composting Girlfriend."

Ashes to ashes.

Dust to dust.

1 comment:

  1. Like priests or bible toting Congressman,with pacifists,you never know what the hell is REALLY going on in that brain of theirs.
    Black preachers are the best example of this phony behavior.I've seen more stories about local black preachers who are caught trying to give spermal baptisms to young high school girls.They get caught,deny it,drag the case out etc.Maybe it gets dropped.Think of how holy Revs Jackson and Sharpton are--and MLK himself--and you see that good character is not a quality that's demanded by blacks of their preachers and ministers.In fact,it's the other way around.Fast talking black preachers are usually fast talking con men,who use their verbal skills to coerce lots of women into the sack,in addition to conning the congregation out of their dough.
    The entire black church thing is a scam right up there with the black lottery and drug dealing as far as crooked negro moneymaking goes.
