Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Locked-Down No Longer, China's Hubei Begins Return to Normal

By R.C.
Wed, Mar 25, 2020 9:22 p.m.

"Locked-Down No Longer, China's Hubei Begins Return to Normal."

R.C.: Have the wet markets re-opened?

Yum, yum.


  1. The media is touting these questionable Chinese statistics as if they are true. No way did Italy get so bad so fast and already have twice the toll of the epicenter. For the media to not question the Chinese is as if the PGA had Kim Jong Il's 18 Holes in One officially on the record books.

  2. Those medical restaurants in China too. Eat the eyes of an eagle for better vision. Or the penis of a bull if yo have erectile dysfunction.
