Sunday, February 23, 2020

UN Troops in World War Games in Wuhan Prior to Outbreak

By R.C.
Sun, Feb 23, 2020 12:59 p.m.

UN Troops in World War Games in Wuhan Prior to Outbreak

R.C.: Why Wuhan and not Beijing [Peking]?

By the way, the corona virus has exploded in South Korea.

R.C.: So, what does this say about the number of cases in North Korea?

If so, is the corona virus a bio weapon aimed at the North Koreans, and only secondarily Han Chinese?

North Korea has a surfeit of natural resources, no different than Afghanistan, Iran, and Venezuela.

R.C.: If North Korea falls, and South Korean troops move north, then Uncle Sam's troops will be just a few hundred kilometers from Vladisvostok


  1. If utter chaos begins in NK, I might assume that nuclear weapons are in danger of compromise.

  2. Yo always hear that. This country has this much mineral wealth. And this country has this much mineral wealth. Etc. But then nothing ever seems to happen.
